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Career Taster Program - 2025 calendar

Designed to challenge thinking and make connections between education and post-school opportunities by supporting students to become 'career curious' through practical activities and meaningful experiences.

See below for these activities and experiences listed month by month. 
More options will be added as they become available and specific details of the activities are listed at the bottom of the page.

If you are ready to do so, you can book now.

2025 Career Taster Calendar 

Further dates will be added when scheduled.

Course Intake dates  Time Campus
Animation 3D Monday 24 February 9:30am - 2:00pm Northbridge
Barber Shop Tuesday 25 February 9:30am - 1:30pm Balga
Beauty Mondays - 10 or 17 or 24 February 9:30am - 1:30pm Northbridge
Beauty Tuesdays - 11 or 18 or 25 February 9:30am - 1:30pm McLarty
Cooking up a storm Mondays - 10 or 24 February 9:30am - 2:00pm Joondalup (Kendrew)
52891WA Course in Early Career Discovery Monday 24 or Tuesday 25 February  9:00am - 2:00pm Northbridge
Events Fridays - 21 or 28 February 9:30am - 2:00pm Joondalup (Kendrew)
Fashion and Letterpress Tuesday 25 February 9:30am - 2:00pm
Furniture Polishing Thursday 27 February 9:30am - 2:00pm Balga
Gore Makeup Friday 28 February 9:30am - 2:00pm Northbridge
Neurodiverse - Pretty Little Cakes Monday 17 February 9:30am - 2:30pm Joondalup
Portraiture and Pinhole Photography Wednesday 26 February 9:30am - 2:00pm Northbridge
The Reel Thing Monday 24 February 9:30am - 2:00pm Northbridge
Song Factory Fridays - 21 or 28 February 9:30am - 2:00pm Leederville
Vehicle Trimming/Upholstery  Thursday 27 February 9:30am - 1:30pm Balga
Course Intake dates  Time Campus
Animation 2D Tuesdays - 11 or 25 March 9:30am - 2:00pm Joondalup
Animation 2D Monday 10 March 9:30am - 2:00pm Northbridge
Animation 3D Tuesday 18 March 9:30am - 2:00pm Joondalup
Animation 3D Monday 24 March 9:30am - 2:00pm Northbridge
Auslan Friday 28 March 9:30am - 1:30pm Northbridge
Beauty Tuesdays - 4 or 11 or 18 or 25 March 9:30am - 1:30pm Northbridge 
Cabinet Making Tuesday 18 March 9:30am - 2:00pm Balga
Cooking up a storm Mondays - 17 or 31 March 9:30am - 2:00pm Joondalup (Kendrew)
Events Fridays - 7 or 14 or 21 or 28 March 9:30am - 2:00pm Joondalup (Kendrew)
Fashion and Letterpress Tuesdays - 11 0r 18 or 25 March 9:30am - 2:00pm
Glazing Thursday 6 March 9:30am - 2:00pm Balga
Gore Makeup Fridays - 14 or 28 March 9:30am - 2:00pm Northbridge
Portraiture and Pinhole Photography Wednesdays - 12 or 26 March 9:30am - 2:00pm Northbridge
Pretty Little Cakes Mondays - 10 or 24 March 9:30am - 2:30pm Joondalup
Song Factory Fridays - 7, or 14 or 21 or 28 March 9:30am - 2:00pm Leederville
That's Getting Technical Tuesdays - 11 or 25 March 9:30am - 2:00pm Joondalup
The Reel Thing Mondays - 10 or 24 March 9:30am - 2:00pm Northbridge
Thin Markets - 3 day Taster Neurodiverse Tuesday - 25 to Thursday 27 March 9:30am - 2:00pm Balga
Course Intake dates  Time Campus
Animation 2D Tuesday 8 April 9:30am - 2:00pm Joondalup
Animation 2D Monday 7 April 9:30am - 2:00pm Northbridge
Animation 3D Tuesday 1 April 9:30am - 2:00pm Joondalup
Beauty Tuesdays - 1 or 8 April 9:30am - 1:30pm Northbridge 
Events Fridays - 4 or 11 April 9:30am - 2:00pm Joondalup (Kendrew)
Glazing - Students at Educational Risk  Friday - 11 April  9:30am - 2:00pm Balga
Hair Styling -Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students Tuesday - 1 April   9:30am - 2:00pm Balga
Portraiture and Pinhole Photography Wednesday - 9 April 9:30am - 2:00pm Northbridge
Pretty Little Cakes Monday - 7 April  9:30am - 2:00pm Joondalup
Song Factory Fridays - 11 April  9:30am - 2:00pm Leederville
That's Getting Technical Tuesday - 8 April  9:30am - 2:00pm Joondalup
The Reel Thing Monday - 7 April  9:30am - 2:00pm Northbridge
Vehicle Trimming & manufactured textile sampler Tuesday - 8 April 9:30am - 2:00pm Balga
Course Intake dates  Time Campus
Animation 2D Tuesdays - 6 or 20 May 9:30am - 2:00pm Joondalup
Animation 2D Monday 19 May 9:30am - 2:00pm Northbridge
Animation 3D Tuesday 13 or 27 May 9:30am - 2:00pm Joondalup
Animation 3D Monday 5 May 9:30am - 2:00pm Northbridge
Auslan Friday 9 May 9:30am - 1:30pm Northbridge
Barber Shop Tuesdays 6 or 27 May 9:30am - 1:30pm Balga
Cooking up a storm Mondays - 5 or 19 May 9:30am - 2:00pm Joondalup (Kendrew)
Events Fridays - 2 or 9 or 16 or 23 or 30 May 9:30am - 2:00pm Joondalup (Kendrew)
Fashion and Letterpress Tuesdays - 13 or 20 or 27 May 9:30am - 2:00pm
Glazing Thursday 26 May 9:30am - 2:00pm Balga
Gore Makeup Fridays - 9 or 23 May 9:30am - 2:00pm Northbridge
Hair Styling Tuesdays - 6 or 13 or 20 or 27 May 9:30am - 2:00pm Midland
It's Child's Play 14 May
14 May
22 May 
28 May
9:30am - 2:00pm Midland
Portraiture and Pinhole Photography Wednesdays - 7 or 21 May 9:30am - 2:00pm Northbridge
Pretty Little Cakes Mondays - 12 or 26 May 9:30am - 2:30pm Joondalup
Song Factory Fridays - 2, or 9 or 16 or 23 or 30 May 9:30am - 2:00pm Leederville
That's Getting Technical Tuesdays - 6 or 20 May 9:30am - 2:00pm Joondalup
The Great 
Monday 12 May 9:30am - 12:30pm Joondalup
The Reel Thing Mondays - 5 or 19 May 9:30am - 2:00pm Northbridge
Course Intake dates  Time Campus
Animation 2D Tuesdays - 3 or 17 June 9:30am - 2:00pm Joondalup
Animation 2D Monday 23 June 9:30am - 2:00pm Northbridge
Animation 3D Tuesday 10 or 24 June 9:30am - 2:00pm Joondalup
Animation 3D Monday 9 June 9:30am - 2:00pm Northbridge
Barber Shop Tuesday 24 June 9:30am - 1:30pm Balga
Call the Nurse! Thursdays
12 June
26 June
9:15am - 2:00pm
Mt Lawley
Cooking up a storm Mondays or Fridays - 9 or 20 or 23 or 27 June 9:30am - 2:00pm Joondalup (Kendrew)
Dental Dynamics 3 or 4 or 5 June 9:30am - 2:00pm Leederville
Events Fridays - 6 or 13 or 20 or 27 June 9:30am - 2:00pm Joondalup (Kendrew)
Fashion and Letterpress Tuesdays - 10 or 17 June 9:30am - 2:00pm
Gore Makeup Fridays -6 or 20 June 9:30am - 2:00pm Northbridge
Hair Styling Tuesdays - 3 or 10 or 17 or 24 June 9:30am - 2:00pm Midland
It's Child's Play Thursday 5 June 9:30am - 2:00pm
Portraiture and Pinhole Photography Wednesdays - 4 or 18 June 9:30am - 2:00pm Northbridge
Pretty Little Cakes Mondays or Fridays - 6 or 13 or 16 or 20 June 9:30am - 2:30pm Joondalup
Song Factory Fridays - 6 or 13 or 27 June 9:30am - 2:00pm Leederville
That's Getting Technical Tuesdays - 3 or 17 June 9:30am - 2:00pm Joondalup
The Reel Thing Mondays - 9 or 23 June 9:30am - 2:00pm Northbridge
Vehicle Trimming + manufactured textile sampler Tuesday 10 June 9:30am - 2:00pm Balga

Students will have the opportunity to model and texture a robot using real industry software.


Digital Artist


Joondalup (Kendrew Crescent) campus
Perth campus 

Approximately 4 hrs of delivery


Enclosed shoes

VET Delivered to Secondary Students pathway
  • CUA31020 Certificate III in Screen and Media (Animation and Game Art)
  • CUA31020 Certificate III in Screen and Media (Animation)
Further study pathway
  • CUA41220-AC86 Certificate IV in Screen and Media (Animation and Visual Effects)
  • CUA41220-AC82 Certificate IV in Screen and Media (Animation and Game Art)

Students will have the opportunity to model and texture a robot using real industry software


Digital Artist


Perth campus 
Joondalup (Kendrew Crescent) campus

Approximately 4 hours of delivery


Enclosed shoes

VET Delivered to Secondary Students pathway
  • CUA31020 Certificate III in Screen and Media (Animation and Game Art)
  • CUA31020 Certificate III in Screen and Media (Animation)
Further study pathway
  • CUA41220-AC86 Certificate IV in Screen and Media (Animation and Visual Effects) or
  • CUA41220-AC82 Certificate IV in Screen and Media (Animation and Game Art)

Students will learn the basic skills in Auslan in a silent class setting. 

They will spend the morning listening to the experiences of our deaf lecturer with interpreter at hand, but spend the after lunch session engaging in conversations with the skills they have learnt. An amazing learning day on campus.


Auslan Interpreter


Perth campus

Approximately 4 hrs of delivery


Enclosed shoes

Further study pathway
  • PSP30218 Certificate III in Auslan

Students will experience techniques required to become a barber.




Balga campus 

Approximately 4hrs of delivery


Enclosed shoes

VET Delivered to Secondary Students pathway
  • SHB20216 Certificate II in Salon Assistant
Further study pathway
  • SHB30416 Certificate III in Hairdressing
  • SHB30516 Certificate III in Barbering
  • SHB40216 Certificate IV in Hairdressing
  • SHB50216 Diploma of Salon Management

Students will experience a day in the salon learning about beauty products, skin types, skin colour matching and face charts for beginners


Make-up Artist


Perth or Joondalup (McLarty Avenue) campuses

Approximately 3.5hrs of delivery


Enclosed shoes

VET Delivered to Secondary Students pathway
  • SHB30221 Certificate III in Make-Up
Further study pathway
  • SHB40121 Certificate IV in Beauty Therapy
  • SHB50121 Diploma of Beauty Therapy

Students will learn a selection of cabinet making skills within our workshops that showcase state of the art technology (its not all about cabinets!). 

The students will experience hands on activities including CNC router machine programming and production, edgebander use and beam saw CNC operation, giving the students a serious insight for future careers.


Assistant Cabinet Maker | Furniture Maker Factory Worker | Furniture Making Labourer


Balga campus

Approximately 4-hours of delivery


Students must wear safety glasses and steel capped boots.

VET Delivered to Secondary Students pathway
  • MSF20522 Certificate II in Furniture Making Pathways
Further study pathway
  • MSF31113 Certificate III in Cabinet Making

Enrolled nurses make a real difference in the comfort and care of patients every day. They work in a range of health care settings including hospitals, health clinics, community organisations or residential care. Students will engage in practical hands-on experiences which simulate nursing and medical practices in the nursing ward and dental area. Enrolled Nursing  is challenging and rewarding and can be an alternative pathway to Registered Nursing.


Enrolled Nurse | Nurse 


Joondalup (McLarty Avenue) or Mount Lawley campuses

Approximately 4-hours of delivery


Hair must be tied up and students must wear long pants.

VET Delivered to Secondary Students pathway
  • 52895WA Certificate IV in Preparation for Health and Nursing Studies
Further study pathway
  • HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing
  • HLT33115 Certificate III in Health Services Assistance (Assisting in Nursing Work in Acute Care)
  • HLT43015 Certificate IV in Allied Health Assistance (Physiotherapy)
  • CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
  • CHC43115 Certificate IV in Disability
  • HLT47115 Certificate IV in Hospital/Health Services Pharmacy Support
  • HLT57915 Diploma of Anaesthetic Technology
  • Other Diploma level courses
  • Bachelor of Nursing or other university pathways

Students will be in an industry kitchen using specialized equipment. 

The students will make sticky date puddings to take home, learn how to pipe chocolate and decorate cupcakes using a range of finishing techniques.


Cook | Chef


Joondalup (Kendrew Crescent) campus

Approximately 4 hrs of delivery


Hair must be tied up and students must wear long pants and enclosed shoes.

Please ask students to bring a large container for their product.

VET Delivered to Secondary Students pathway
  • SIT20421 Certificate II in Commercial Cookery
Further study pathway
  • SIT30616 Certificate III in Hospitality
  • SIT30816 Certificate III in Commercial Cookery
  • SIT31016 Certificate III in Patisserie
  • SIT40516 Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery
  • SIT40716 Certificate IV in Patisserie

Students will be introduced to the world of Dental Technology and gain knowledge of the job role requirements and career pathways available. The students will be able to fabricate a clay model tooth to keep.


Dental Assistant | Dental Technician, Dental Laboratory Assistant


Leederville campus

Approximately 4 hours of delivery


Enclosed shoes

VET Delivered to Secondary Students pathway
  • HLT35115 Certificate III in Dental Laboratory Assisting
Further study pathway
  • HLT35021 Certificate III in Dental Assisting
  • HLT35115 Certificate III in Dental Laboratory Assisting
  • HLT54021 Certificate IV in Dental Laboratory Assisting
  • HLT55118 Diploma of Dental Technology

Students will learn to set up an area for an event (bumping in and out), register and entertain guests on arrival, and use Canva to create event worthy invitations.


Conference and Event Organiser | Event Management Consultant | Event Manager | Exhibition Organiser | Wedding Coordinator


Joondalup (Kendrew Crescent) campus

Approximately 4 hrs of delivery


Enclosed shoes

VET Delivered to Secondary Students pathway
  • SIT30522 Certificate III in Events
Further study pathway
  • SIT50316 Diploma of Event Management

Students will design, create and screen print an eye-catching take home Tote bag. 

In the second session, students will use the letterpress to personalise postcards.


Graphic Design Support | Graphic Pre-press Apprentice | Printing Assistant | Studio Assistant


Perth campus

Approximately 4 hrs delivery


Enclosed shoes

VET Delivered to Secondary Students pathway
  • ICP20120 Certificate II in Printing and Graphic Arts
  • MST20722 Certificate II in Applied Fashion Design and Technology
  • CUA30720 Certificate III in Design Fundamentals
Further study pathway
  • CUA40720 Certificate IV in Design (Graphic Design)
  • CUA41320 Certificate IV in Visual Arts
  • CUA50720 Diploma of Graphic Design

Upcycling is popular and this activity will show students how upcycling, restoring and rejuvenating furniture can be a rewarding career and contribute to sustainability.

Students will learn how to effectively and safely use lacquers, putty and shellac to carry out furniture restoration.


Cabinetmaker | Furniture maker | Furniture restorer  


Balga campus

Approximately 4-hours of delivery.


Students must wear safety glasses and steel capped boots and preferable older clothes in case they get stained.

VET Delivered to Secondary Students pathway
  • MSF20522 Certificate II in Furniture Making Pathways
  • 52893WA Certificate II in Building and Construction (Pathway - Carpentry)
Further study pathway
  • MSF30113  Certificate III in Furniture Finishing

Students will complete a small project and hear from female guest speakers in the industry - learning skills that will inspire them to take a step into a trades area.




Balga campus

Approximately 4 hrs delivery


Students must wear safety glasses, steel capped boots, a long sleeve shirt and long pants.

VET Delivered to Secondary Students pathway
  • MSF20413 Certificate II in Glass and Glazing (Glass and Glazing Pre-apprenticeship)
Further study pathway
  • MSF30422 Certificate III in Glass and Glazing

Students will explore techniques using make up for the next zombie apocalypse movie. North Metropolitan TAFE is industry partners with the Perth Film studios under construction - job roles in this area will become vital to support the industry.


Special Effects Make-up Artist


Perth campus

Approximately 4 hrs of delivery


Enclosed shoes

VET Delivered to Secondary Students pathway
  • CUA31020 Certificate III in Screen and Media (Film & Television)
Further study pathway
  • CUA51020 Diploma of Screen and Media (Specialist Make-Up Services)

Students will experience being a hair stylist. They will learn a variety of hair braiding and curling techniques and complete two final style outcomes.


Hair Stylist


Balga campus

Approximately 4 hrs delivery


Enclosed shoes

VET Delivered to Secondary Students pathway
  • SHB20216 Certificate II in Salon Assistant
Further study pathway
  • SHB30416 Certificate III in Hairdressing
  • SHB30516 Certificate III in Barbering
  • SHB40216 Certificate IV in Hairdressing
  • SHB50216 Diploma of Salon Management

There is more to carpentry than hammering a few nails. Carpenters design, construct, install, renovate and repair structures and fixtures made of wood, plywood and wall board.

Students will participate in interpreting plans and measuring and calculating materials. They will safely use carpentry tools and equipment used in the many building activities undertaken by carpenters and joiners.


Carpenter | Joiner


Balga campus

Approximately 4hrs of delivery


Students must wear safety glasses and steel capped boots.

VET Delivered to Secondary Students pathway
  • MSF20522 Certificate II in Furniture Making Pathways
  • 52893WA Certificate II in Building and Construction (Pathway Carpentry)

Students will engage in a series of activities that relate to early education and childcare. They are presented with real life scenarios that child care workers are faced with.


Childcare Worker | Teacher's Assistant


Joondalup (Kendrew Crescent), Leederville or Midland campuses

Approximately 4 hrs of


Enclosed shoes

VET Delivered to Secondary Students pathway
  • CHC30221 Certificate III in School Based Education Support
Further study pathway
  • CHC50121 Diploma Early Childhood Education and Care
  • CHC30221 Certificate III in School Based Education Support
  • CHC40221 Certificate IV School Based Education Support

Students will participate in autonomous mine operations, surveying, water industry operations and laboratory operations.


Production Mining | Miner | Surveyor | Chemistry Technician Assistant | Earth Science Technician Assistant | Life Science Technician Assistant | School Laboratory Technician Assistant | Draftsperson


East Perth campus

Approximately 4-hours of delivery


Enclosed shoes

VET Delivered to Secondary Students pathway
  • 52845WA Certificate II in Autonomous Workplace Operations
Further study pathway
  • RII20220 Certificate II in Surface Extraction Operations
  • RII20520 Certificate II in Resource Processing
  • RII30520 Certificate III in Mining Exploration

Explore Photography: A one-day experience
The day is packed with two hands-on activities that are both fun and educational.
Morning session: Pinhole Camera Creation and Darkroom Development in the morning, students will craft their own pinhole cameras. Use these cameras to capture photographs, which will then be developed in our dark room. This session gives students a practical understanding of traditional photography methods.
Afternoon Session: Studio Photography Adventure. The afternoon will be spent in the studio where students will explore various photography styles. They'll have the opportunity to shoot:
Beauty Portraits
Gangsta Portraits
Freeze action shots
Light Graffiti
This engaging and informative day will provide students with the chance to unleash creativity and discover the art of Photography. 


Photographer | Photography Assistant


Perth campus

Approximately 4hrs of delivery


Enclosed shoes

VET Delivered to Secondary Students pathway
  • CUA31020 Certificate Screen and Media (Photography Media and Content Creation)
Further study pathway
  • CUA50920 Diploma of Photography and Digital Imaging

Students learn how to use specialised equipment related to Patisserie and a range of different finishing techniques.

They will all decorate four cupcakes using a variety of finishing’s to take home. 


Chef de Partie | Chef


Joondalup (Kendrew Crescent) campus

Approximately 4 hrs of delivery


Hair must be tied up and students must wear long pants and enclosed shoes.

Please ask students to bring a large container for their product.

VET Delivered to Secondary Students pathway
  • SIT20421 Certificate II in Commercial Cookery
Further study pathway
  • SIT30616 Certificate III in Hospitality
  • SIT30816 Certificate III in Commercial Cookery

Explore the World of Audio Production

Welcome to a hands-on introduction to the world of audio and music production. Students will explore our professional recording studios, editing suites, radio stations, rehearsal rooms, and live venue, gaining insights into these various areas of the industry in the process. 
They’ll also discover the wide range of careers available in sound production and the live music industry, working with experienced industry professionals along the way. 

The session culminates in state-of-the-art recording studio time, where students can play and record their own music, sing over backing tracks, and operate studio equipment. It’s an inspiring, interactive session designed to spark creativity and showcase the possibilities of a career in audio.


Singer, songwriter | Musician | Sound Technician


Leederville campus

Approximately 4 hrs of delivery


Enclosed shoes

VET Delivered to Secondary Students pathway
  • CUA30920 Certificate III in Music
Further study pathway
  • CUA50820-AC72 Diploma of Music (Music Performance)
  • CUA50820-AC73 Diploma of Music (Performance)
  • CUA50820-AC74 Diploma of Music (Sound)
  • CUA51015-AA94 Diploma of Screen and Media (Radio Broadcasting)

This suite of integrated technology tasters will give students exciting experiences with two of the three options of robotics coding, or cyber security or 3D printing


Cybersecurity Specialist | Robotics (including manufacturing)


Joondalup (Kendrew Crescent) campus

Approximately 3-hours of delivery


Enclosed shoes

VET Delivered to Secondary Students pathway
  • 22586VIC Certificate II in Integrated Technologies (Robotics Control Systems)
  • ICT30120 Certificate III in Information Technology (Cyber Security)
Further study pathway
  • 22519VIC Certificate IV in Integrated Technologies (Robotics Control Systems)
  • ICT40120 Certificate IV in Information Technology
  • 22334VIC Certificate IV in Cyber Security
  • ICT40120 Certificate IV in Information Technology
  • 22334VIC Certificate IV in Cyber Security

Students will experience a suite of taster events focused on conservation, horticulture, ecosystem management utilising the environmental facilities. Students will undertake landscaping, horticulture and conservation activities including disease identification, propagation, and soil testing.


Environmental Officer | Horticulturist | Conservation and Ecosystem Management Officer | Environmental Science Officer | Laboratory Operations Assistant


Joondalup (Kendrew Crescent) campus

Approximately 3-hours of delivery


Students should wear enclosed shoes and long pants.

VET Delivered to Secondary Students pathway
  • AHC20416 Certificate II in Horticulture
Further study pathway
  • AHC30716 Certificate III in Horticulture
  • AHC40416 Certificate IV in Horticulture
  • AHC50416 Diploma in Horticulture

Students experience a live working television and film studio. North Metro TAFE offers engaging facilities in which students will be able to participate in small projects using state of the art equipment to spark an interest.


Camera Operator (Film, TV, Video) | Light Technician | Video & Sound Recorder | Television Equipment Operator | Film, TV and Video Editor | Video Producer


Perth campus

Approximately 4-hours of delivery


Enclosed shoes

VET Delivered to Secondary Students pathway
  • CUA31020 Certificate III in Screen and Media (Film & Television)
Further study pathway
  • CUA51020 Diploma of Screen and Media (Film & Television)

Students will learn value insight into the fine skill of vehicle trimming and have a hands on activity in the workshop


Vehicle and Marine Trimmer


Balga campus

Approximately 4-hours of delivery


Students must wear safety glasses and steel capped boots

Further study pathway
  • AUR32320 Certificate III in Automotive and Marine Trimming Technology