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Wall and Ceiling Lining

North Metropolitan TAFE’s wall and ceiling lining qualifications will see you ready to construct bulkheads, assemble partitions, install and finish plasterboard, fibre cement, wet area lining systems, dry wall systems and suspended ceilings.

You will also learn how to work effectively and sustainably in the construction industry, plan and organise work, carry out measurements and calculations and apply Work Health and Safety requirements.


    Certificate II in Building and Construction (Pathway - Trades) (Mortar Trades Pre-apprenticeship)

    National ID 52893WA | State ID AD11

    Try a variety of trades to see which one's for you

    This exciting new mortor trades course is perfect for those not sure of which trade is for them. You'll cover bricklaying, wall and floor tiling, solid plastering and wall and ceiling fixing.


    Study Modes
    • On campus

    Certificate II in Building and Construction (Pathway - Trades) (Wall and Ceiling Lining Pre-apprenticeship)

    National ID 52893WA | State ID AD08

    Learn how to be a finisher

    Complete this course and you'll gain a head start in securing a wall and ceiling liner apprenticeship.


    Study Modes
    • On campus

    Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining

    National ID CPC31220 | State ID BGD5

    Build a career that others will look up to

    This course will prepare you for a certified trade career as a wall and ceiling liner.

    • Balga

    Study Modes
    • Apprenticeship