North Metropolitan TAFE is committed to providing quality assessment to students enrolled in vocational education and training programs. As a student you may appeal if you believe that the assessment decision or process was unfair or incorrect.
Before you lodge an Academic Appeal
We encourage you to:
- Read the Information for Students on Academic Appeals Policy and Procedure (157 KB) (PDF document)
- Read the North Metropolitan TAFE Academic Appeals Policy (225 KB) (PDF document)
- Meet with the lecturer, Head of Programs, Principal Lecturer or Portfolio Director to discuss your concerns.
If you are dissatisfied with the initial outcome, then you may lodge an Academic Appeal.
As part of the Academic Appeal process you will need to:
- Complete and lodge to any Client Service office an Academic Appeals form (80 KB) (Word document) with evidence for each unit of competency decision you believe is unfair or incorrect within 20 working days of receiving your result.
- There is no fee associated with lodging this Academic Appeal
The evidence you submit should relate to the basis for the appeal. The table below provides guidance on the basis for appeal and what evidence you will need to provide.
Basis for appeal - The assessment process
What evidence you need to provide:
- A copy of the Learning and Assessment Plan (LAP) provided by your lecturer
- A brief explanation of how the assessment differed from the description given in the LAP
Basis for appeal - The assessment decision
What evidence you need to provide:
- The evidence you submitted
- A brief description of why you feel the assessment judgement was incorrect
If you disclosed a disability during the course of your studies and requested reasonable adjustment but this was not implemented, and you believe that this may have had an impact on your results you may wish to seek advice for your appeal from Accessibility and Learning Support.
You are entitled to be accompanied by a support person in any discussions regarding your assessment results.
Once you have submitted your Academic Appeal application form
The Academic Appeals Panel will be convened to review your appeal and you will be notified of the outcome within 20 working days of submitting your application. You may be asked by the panel to provide further evidence to support your appeal.
If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of the Academic Appeal then an appropriate, independent external party will review the decision as per the Academic Appeal Policy.